15 Equestrian ITEMS you can buy at the SUPERMARKET

We all know how much this world can be expensive, so why not searching for some useful stables-stuff at the supermarket? Let's see 15 items you can find super cheapy! measuring cups; very useful for giving our supplements to our horses! microfibre towels; useful in lots of situations (tack cleaning, horse cleaning and so on) any kind of containers at very low prices; super useful for biscuits, sugar cubes and so on big boxes that actually work as 'real' grooming boxes but cost a lot less! any kind of hooks; perfect as bridle hooks! coat hangers are fabulous for hanging up saddle pads! spry bottles; great for any kind of homemade spray (for example fly spray made by apple vinegar and water!) small blackboards that you can hang on your horse's stall and write down there any kind of necessities or stuff! wet wipes are always useful for cleaning your hands and stuff at the stables paint brushes are perfect for the application of hoof gel/oil socks...