How to: Prepare the horse for TRAVELLING!

Except when it is really hot, the horse should always wear a cover on the van and especially on the trailer, which is not completely closed. It should not be too heavy, however, because during the transport, the horse splits a lot. In the middle of the seasons, that of cotton used in the stables is fine.
Before putting the bumpers, it is useful to knot the tail so that the hairs do not risk hooking to velcro closures. We grab the part under the nerd with one hand, and with the other we create a lance. Let's pass the final part of the tail in the ass and pull it down.

Travel buffers are different for front and back legs. The first ones are repaired by the crown at the knee, with the closures always outside. In choosing the model, privilege those with several tears, which remain stiffer.

The rear bumpers cover the limb from the crown up to the hock: this way, even if the horse is agitated during transport or simply loses the balance it does not risk getting hurt. When we put them, be careful that the closures are securely fixed so they do not slip under the socket.
Leaning on the van wall, the horse can ruin its tail. Especially if we braided it with care, we may protect it with a specific upholstered band, which goes to the height of the attachment and closes with velcro. Be careful not to tighten too much where we feel the hard part, because we risk preventing blood circulation.

To keep the parachute in place, without having to over tighten it, we attach the strap to the strap, that is, the strap surrounding the horse's shoulder, which also holds the blanket.

With particularly quiet subjects or with those who can not withstand the bumpers, we can use the resting bands, but be careful to close them well. If they roll out during the journey, they can annoy and frighten the animal.
If our horse is a nervous or very high type, it can happen that it blows its head against the roof of the vehicle and this is likely to have serious repercussions on its health. We buy a special paranoid. It's not very widespread, but we'll find it in the most well-stocked sellers.



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