Since yesterday I feel off the horse while he was bucking assiduously, I thought that  this could be a 
useful article for every horse rider.

First of all you must ride a horse that is suitable for your skills, in order to be a perfect combination together. It is also absolutely important to wear always all of your protective equipment in order to be as safe as possible in case of fall. 

However in case of need you have to decide rather to hold or let the reins. Of course if you horse is bucking or bolting and you loose you balance, it is always better to release reins to prevent being engaged or entangled. Be careful to let go your feet too: one of the most dangerous thinks that can happen is that your feet remain in the stirrups, so in case of danger if you feel like nearly falling, letting go your feet may be a good idea. 
Once you are falling, try to roll out of the way of your horse's legs. Do not stick your arm out to break your fall as this may increase the chances of breaking a bone. You should feel like curling like hedgehogs do. 
At the moment you are falling your horse may run away from you, scared. If you're okay, get back on your feet and walk slowly towards your horse, talking to him with extreme calm and quietness. Once he calms down, he might stop and look at you. Stop in front of him, give him a little bit of time and then, keep talking to him and get him back. If you are not injured, get back on the saddle: this is the best idea, in order not to develop fear. 
If your horse rears, do not pull the reins: follow the movement and try to keep your balance.
If you see a child falling from a pony, but not getting injured, the best is to calm him down and explain why that happened; then take him to the pony and let him cuddle the horse: he will understand that what happened, happened to both of them and they have to trust each other. By doing this, probably the kid won't develop any fear of horses.
Take care of the horse and remember that each falling is traumatic and might hurt him too. Be careful with him and calm him down: DO NOT YELL AT HIM, as this would make him develop a bad behavior and also lose his trust in you. Remember that everything he does (jumping, or having a dressage competition, for example) is in order to make us proud of him and happy, those are actually not things that he would do normally. So when this things happen, remember that they are happing while he is "working" for us. 

Anyone who achieves this passion, knows perfectly that it is full of risks; you just can prevent any incident by wearing protections, learning the technique and developing a good balance and muscular tone. 

Consider that in case of emergency, you'll probably feel what to do on your own, but be always careful and keep a high attention (although do not be nervous, because the horse would feel that and as a consequence, act nervously).

Took a cue from: and image from:


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