Actually a lot of horses, have been trained with a wrong use of the whip; 'cause of this, they develop fear against this simple device which instead needs to be an extension of our hand
This is a huge problem that inevitably needs to be resolved, as the whip, if used correctly and not as a weapon, is an object that can be useful in lots of situations.
The process of inserting the whip, begins as always with the establishing of a relationship of mutual trust (the process has already been explained in previous articles:).
Afterwards, you will show the whip to the horse for short sections of time, rewarding it with a treat, whenever he seems quiet. Of course, to show it, the whip will be pointed down and never lifted up, because it would be synonymous of "scolding" or rebuke.

After repeating this kind of easy procedure, for a few minutes and more or less two sessions a day, when the horse is beginning to show itself quiet about the whip, we can start passing it with extreme caution, before on its legs and then climbing to the back . NEVER PASS IT ON THE HEAD. 
This step will have to be repeated several times, for a few minutes, giving a horse treats every time it seems to be calm when touched by the device.

As I always say, this kind of procedures take patience and time, but they are not invasive and enable to create a strong relationship between the horse and the rider. 

Hope you enjoyed. 



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